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Medeasy one of the best digital healthcare platforms in Bangladesh


Medeasy is one of the top digital healthcare platforms in Bangladesh, providing a wide range of medical services to its users. The platform offers features like online consultations with certified doctors, easy access to prescription medicines, and health information and articles.

Medeasy aims to make healthcare accessible and affordable to everyone in Bangladesh, especially those who live in rural areas and have limited access to medical facilities. The platform also ensures patient privacy and confidentiality, making it a reliable and secure source of medical assistance.

How to get medicines from Apne Medici at affordable prices by showing prescription and OTG 

Get all of your prescription and OTC medicine from MedEasy at an affordable price. With MedEasy, you can conveniently order your required medicines online and have them delivered straight to your doorstep. Whether you need prescription drugs or over-the-counter products, MedEasy has a wide range of medications to choose from, all at a reasonable cost. So, skip the hassle of going to a physical pharmacy and order your medicines online with MedEasy today and Free medicine home delivery on 1000+ Taka orders.

Medeasy Discount Percentage

MedEasy, Bangladeshi's best online pharmacy, is offering a 10% discount on all authentic medicines. This discount is applicable to all medications available on the MedEasy platform and can be availed by using the coupon code provided during checkout. MedEasy sources their medicines only from authorized distributors and manufacturers, ensuring that all medications are 100% genuine and safe for use. To take advantage of this discount, simply create an account on the MedEasy website and place your order. With MedEasy, you can conveniently order your required medications online and have them delivered straight to your doorstep.

Medeasy Pharmacy License

The need of holding a current drug license from the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) with license number DC-22112 has been stressed by the ICT Department of Bangladesh. Anybody involved in the sale, import, or distribution of pharmaceutical items in Bangladesh must have this license. It is now simpler to confirm the legitimacy of a medication license thanks to the DGDA's online system for pharmaceutical company registration and the granting of drug licenses. The IT Department of Bangladesh is aiming to safeguard the health and welfare of its population by encouraging the usage of genuine medications.

How the MedEasy app can help you

MedEasy Pharmacy has a telemedicine app that provides users with consultations from doctors licensed in 23 different medical specialties. Through the app, users can search for doctors by specialty or location, view doctor profiles and reviews, and book remote consultations with doctors through video calls, phone calls or instant messages. MedEasy's 24/7 availability means users can access medical advice and treatment anytime, making it a convenient and accessible way to connect with doctors and receive care.

What services does the doctor provide and how much will it cost?

With MedEasy, you can consult with a doctor for just 99 Taka. This affordable service extends to specialist doctors who can provide treatment for chronic health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver disease. The app also connects users with doctors who can offer advice and treatment for common health conditions like flu, fever, headache, diarrhea, allergies, and skin conditions. With MedEasy, you can get the care you need at an affordable price.

from Specialist Doctor List


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Dr. Fariah Sharmeen - Woman Oncology Specialist

Dr. Fariah Sharmeen Specialty - Associate Consultant, Oncology Degree - MBBS, FCPS (Radiotherapy) Chamber: SQUARE Hospitals Ltd. Dhaka Address: 18/F Bir Uttam Qazi Nuruzzaman Sarak, West Panthapath, Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh Call For Appointment 10616 Call Now About: Dr. Fariah Sharmeen successfully completed her MBBS from Cumilla Medical College, and subsequently completed a one-year internship at BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka. After completing of the internship, she started her post-graduate training in Medical Oncology at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital. She started her fellowship in Radiotherapy in 2010. She completed 4 years of training at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital on External Beam Radiotherapy Planning and Brachytherapy. She achieved FCPS in Radiotherapy from the Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons (BCPS) in 2015. She has obtained several hands-on pieces of training on Head - Neck, Lung, Genitourina