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Dr Golam Morshed

Dr Golam Morshed
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS (Cardiology), MRCP (UK)
Specialist: Interventional Cardiologist
Workplace: CIMEC Health

Expertise: Medicine, Diabetes, Heart Diseases
Experiences: 22 Years
Organization: CIMEC Health
Registration Number: A-35901

Chamber: CIMEC Health (Location Map)
Address: Plot# 17, Lift-8, Road# 6, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
(opposite Harun eye foundation/Gonoswasthya Hospital)
Visiting Hours: 5 PM to 9 PM Every day except Friday
Fee: 1000 BDT

Phone for Appointment:


About: Dr. Golam Morshed passed MBBS from Chittagong Medical College. Dr. Golam Morshed took his FCPS in cardiology and another medical post-graduation degree MRCP from Royal College of Physicians, London, Uk.

After completing his internship training at Chittagong Medical College Hospital he started post-graduation training at BIRDEM Hospital, Shahbag, Dhaka. He learned a lot about the treatment of diabetes and how to keep diabetes patients complication-free their whole life.

Then he joined the 25th BCS (Health cadre) & started his general internal medicine training at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH). At DMCH he managed thousands of complicated refereed patients hailing from across the country. This gave him a huge exposure to general medicine.

Then he went to BSMMU (PG Hospital) for higher training where he got an excellent academic environment. Thereafter he was posted at the National Institute of Diseases of chest Hospital Mohakhali, Dhaka. There was another good chance of dealing with a lot of complicated chest disease patients.

Then as a part of his cardiology training, he joined at National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Sher e Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. He dealt with thousands of various types of complicated heart disease patients over the years. As for his success in the field of cardiology, he got two promotions while working at NICVD. The first one was a junior consultant and then got a quick promotion to Assistant Professor of cardiology at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD).

Then he moved to National Heart Centre (NHCS), Singapore for his advanced training in cardiology. It was a great scope for him to work in the world’s best-ranking hospital in Singapore. He was taught precision medical treatment and newer high-tech cardiac solutions there. Thus he became much more confident regarding managing patients with complicated heart diseases.

He has a special Clinical Interest in treating patients having multiple medical problems like Diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol problems, Kidney disease, Asthma, and other chest problems. His passion is to solve the patient’s problems appropriately and keep them healthy & disease free in their whole life.

from Specialist Doctor List


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Dr. Fariah Sharmeen - Woman Oncology Specialist

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