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Dr. SK Farid Ahmed - Breast Surgeon in Bangladesh

Dr. SK Farid Ahmed 
Specialist: Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon 

22 years in Wycombe General Hospital, UK. 
26 years UK experience as a Surgeon. 

Head and Chief Consultant, Breast care Centre, Japan Bangladesh Friendship hospital & Consultant, Popular Diagnostics, Dhanmondi. 

Chamber-1: Japan Bangladesh Friendship hospital
Address: Address: 55, Satmasjid Road (Jigatola Bustand), Dhaka - 1209. 
Contact Number:
+8802 9676161
+8802 9664028
+8802 9664029

Chamber-2: Popular Diagnostics, Dhanmondi. 
Address: House # 16, Road # 2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205.
Contact Number: 09666 787801, 09613 787801

Chamber-3: Evercare Hospital, Dhaka
Address:  Plot: 81, Block: E, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh 
Contact Number: 10678, +8809666710678

About: Dr SK Farid Ahmed Completed Graduate from Mymensingh medical college in 1992. He working as an Oncoplastic breast surgeon at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in UK for the last twenty-plus years. Before that, He was also worked in various hospitals in Edinburgh, Borders,  Yorkshire and Sunderland. 

He obtained her Surgical Fellowship (FRCS), Royal College of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow in 2000.He is a Core member of breast MDT TOPS(Thames Valley Oncoplastic Surgery).
He have published various papers and research out comes and presented once at EBCC (SNB and OSNA), ASOMA. 

He is a Faculty member of breast surgery courses run by the Royal College of Surgeons of England, participated as a Co-investigator for POSNOC  & LORIS trial. He was Oxford deanery(HETV)  Tutor, Member of the School of Surgery for a number of years. Member of RCSEng professional affairs board, South Central. He was the Deputy Chair of one of branches of British medical association, and Chair of Strategy, Policy and procedure for ten years. 

For the last three and half years, He has been passionately involved in teaching, training, and technology transfer fir breast disease management in Bangladesh. Since then, He has run several live surgery workshops ( BSMMU, AKMMCH, KGH),  oncology workshop with foreign faculties, delivered lectures to postgraduate students at BSMMU, signed MoU with BSMMU to train  Surgeons in  WGH Breast Unit, UK.  

He attended three BICC conferences. ASOMA as Foreign faculty. 

The first ever breast unit in Bangladesh was established-at AKMMCH by me and signed a MoU, appointed as an advisor and visiting consultant. He have achieved many accolades and breast cancer patients are benefiting UK standard treatment.  Insertion of marker clips for neoadjuvant chemotherapy, wire-guided wide local excision of impalpable cancers,  level one and  level two oncoplastic breast surgery like nipple skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate implant reconstruction, are some examples done, first ever in Bangladesh. 

Radio frequency seed guided breast-conserving surgery is introduced in Bangladesh which is not currently available in Asia. Concept of a multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer is now well-established in Bangladesh. 

He have achieved many things and many more to be done to make our people’s lives better with world-class medical care right here in Bangladesh. 

from Specialist Doctor List


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