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Dr. Asish Dey - Best Cardiologist in Chattogram

Dr. Asish Dey
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Cardiology), FSCAI (USA)
Specialist: Senior Consultant- Cardiology

Consulting Schedule
Time: 03:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Address: Plot No.: H1, Ananna Residential Area, CDA, Oxygen - Kuwaish Road,
Postal Code: 4337, Chattogram, Bangladesh

Appointment & Emergency

( 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM)

WhatsApp: 01321-155211

Ambulance: 01313-779966

• Dr. Asish Dey completed his MBBS with distinction from Chattogram Medical College in 1994, followed by FCPS in Internal Medicine from BCPS in 2001 and completed his MD in Cardiology from the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Chattogram in 2002. 

• He completed his fellowship training in Interventional Cardiology for about one and a half years from United Hospital, Chattogram and also has training experience from different countries abroad like India, Korea, Japan, Singapore and France. 

• He obtained an Honourary Fellowship from the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention (SCAI) of USA in 2019. 

• Dr. Asish Dey has about 18 years of experience in Clinical and Interventional Cardiology with special focus on Primary PCI, Complex PCI’s like multivessel, Bifurcation & Left Main PCI, Implantation of PPM, ICD, CRT-D, etc. 

• He is the pioneer in the field of Interventional Cardiology, not only in Chattogram but in the whole country as well. He performed the first-ever Septal Pacing in Chattogram and also did the first Primary PCI and Left Main PCI in Chattogram as well. 

• He worked in different tertiary level hospitals in Bangladesh and at present is working as an Associate Professor of Cardiology in Chattogram Medical College and Hospital and as a Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Max Hospital, Chattogram. 

• He not only attended many courses and conferences on Clinical and Interventional Cardiology but also presented cases in different national and international conferences like TCT, USA. 

• Dr. Asish Dey is currently the elected executive member of the Bangladesh Society of Cardiovascular Intervention (BSCI), Organising Secretary of Chattogram Society of Interventional Cardiology (CSIC) and also a life member of Bangladesh Cardiac Society (BCS).

from Specialist Doctor List


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Dr. Fariah Sharmeen - Woman Oncology Specialist

Dr. Fariah Sharmeen Specialty - Associate Consultant, Oncology Degree - MBBS, FCPS (Radiotherapy) Chamber: SQUARE Hospitals Ltd. Dhaka Address: 18/F Bir Uttam Qazi Nuruzzaman Sarak, West Panthapath, Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh Call For Appointment 10616 Call Now About: Dr. Fariah Sharmeen successfully completed her MBBS from Cumilla Medical College, and subsequently completed a one-year internship at BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka. After completing of the internship, she started her post-graduate training in Medical Oncology at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital. She started her fellowship in Radiotherapy in 2010. She completed 4 years of training at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital on External Beam Radiotherapy Planning and Brachytherapy. She achieved FCPS in Radiotherapy from the Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons (BCPS) in 2015. She has obtained several hands-on pieces of training on Head - Neck, Lung, Genitourina