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Impala Pain & Rehabilitation Care - Physical Therapist Hospital


Impala Pain & Rehabilitation Care
Address Unit-1: Sanmar Tower, 38 / A, Level-8, Road-35, Gulshan-2 1212 Dhaka
Address Unit-2: Concord Bilkis Tower (Ground Floor)
48, Madani Avenue, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212

WhatsApp: 01847525800

Open Hour: 10 am-8pm (Tuesday Closed)

Dr. SM Dabir Hossain
Senior Physical Therapist
BPT (Nitore / Lame Hospital)
MPH (Fareast University)
BPA Reg: MBPA-0230

About: It is a member of the Radian Group. Impala Pain and Rehabilitation Care have combined treatment, which can cure various ailments related to pain and nerves in a very short time.

Impala's main goal is to cure the patient of pain and various nerve-related diseases in a very short time through quality treatment. Most of the hospitals/clinics in our country do not have more than one doctor in one place, the patient suffers a lot when one patient is referred to another, some may be given medicine, some may be given physical therapy, some may be giving acupuncture.
But for the first time in the country, Impala has a combination of medicine, physical therapy and acupuncture, with separate and expert physicians for each medical system.

from Specialist Doctor List


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