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Mediclinic Khalifa City Phone Location

Mediclinic Khalifa City Phone Location

Mediclinic  Khalifa City
Address: 284 Al Mireef St, Opposite Al Raha Gardens, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Phone: +9718002000


Ahmed Alsakar Dr.
Specialities: Dentistry
Languages: English, Arabic

Jacob Philip Eapen Dr.
Specialities: Dentistry
Languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam

Pooja Mehan Dr.
Specialities: Orthodontics, Dentistry
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu

Hagar Bessar Dr.
SpecialitiesL Dermatology
Languages: English, Arabic

Hala Mohamed Dr.
Specialities: Dermatology
Languages: English, Arabic

Alaa Omar El Sayed Khazbak Dr.
Specialities: Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Languages: English, Arabic

Mohammed Rahoomi Al Azzawi Dr.
SpecialitiesL Family Medicine
Languages: English, Arabic

Assem Abdulrahman A. Hussain Dr.
Specialities: General Medicine
Languages: English, Arabic

Sura Maher Mahdi Dr.
Specialities: General Medicine
Languages: Arabic, English

Sherif Boutros Sadek Boutros Dr.
Specialities: Internal Medicine
Languages: English, Arabic

Asrar Moustafa Elsaid Eladawy Dr.
Specialities: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Languages: English, Arabic

Paulina Manosalvas Martinez Dr.
Specialities: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Languages: Spanish, English

Ali Khallouf Dr.
Specialities: Ophthalmology
Languages: English, Arabic

Nabil Abdulkarim Adi Dr.
Specialities: Ophthalmology
Languages: English, Arabic

Aziz Khalife Dr.
Specialities: Orthopaedic
Languages: English, Arabic

Christine Karam, Dr
Specialities: Paediatrics
Languages: English, Arabic

Nareman Al Hnaity Dr.
Specialities: Paediatrics
Languages: English, Arabic

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About: Mediclinic Middle East is part of Mediclinic International, a diversified international private healthcare services group, with divisions in Switzerland, Southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia) and the United Arab Emirates, and a 29.9% shareholding in Spire Healthcare, a UK-based healthcare group. Mediclinic Middle East offers a wide range of primary, secondary and tertiary medical services. We operate a ‘hub and spoke’ model, with essential primary healthcare delivered from a number of multidisciplinary clinics located in the community. These clinics can refer patients to hospitals for further treatment when required and can also provide follow up care closer to home following treatment at one of its more specialised units.

Certain advanced clinical services such as cardiothoracic surgery, paediatric intensive care or some high end interventional procedures such as TAVI, may be limited to one or two facilities due to the specific skill sets required, and to ensure high quality clinical outcomes.

Coordinated care initiatives are a focus area for Mediclinic Middle East. Examples include our Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Stroke Centre and Metabolic Centre and Breast Centre, where key multidisciplinary teams work together to deliver the most effective treatment solutions for patients.


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