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Home Remedies for Knee Pain

How to relieve knee pain at home without medication

Today I will tell you how to reduce knee pain without medication at home. The most common cause of knee pain in the elderly is osteoarthritis of the knee. The junction of the two bones is covered with a rubber component (cartilage). This material allows the bones to slide over each other without causing pain. When osteoarthritis occurs, the cartilage begins to break down. At the same time the bones of the joint start rubbing against each other. This can cause pain in the knee, jam (stiffness), and swelling.

We need to feel comfortable with knee pain

* Must walk on a flat surface.
* Wear supportive shoes.
* Brace can be used on the knee on the advice of a doctor.
* Well cushioned shoes can be used.
* High commode should be used instead of the pan in a toilet.
* When your pain is most severe, rest for a few minutes. However, do not rest too much. It can weaken your muscles and make your pain worse.

What we have to avoid

* Can't sit for long.
* Extra stairs cannot be climbed.
* Excessive shaking should be avoided.
* High-level activity cannot be done. Such as: running.
* Can't stand for long.
* Avoid standing / walking for some time.
* Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

Physical activities that must be followed

* Must walk on the plane.
* Must swim.
* Must do regular housework.
* Gardens can be planted.
* Must ride a bicycle.

What to do to reduce the feeling of pain

* Do yoga.
* Do tai-chi exercises.
* Must be in meditation.
* You have to give time for recreation.
* Must concentrate on knowledge-based work.
* Behavioral work must be done.
* Take physiotherapy.

from Specialist Doctor List


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