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ICU Services Hospital in Dhaka

ICU Services Hospital in Dhaka

The number of ICU beds has gradually increased in Bangladesh. There are about one hundred hospitals with ICU facilities in Bangladesh and 80% of them are located in Dhaka. Among all the ICUs, 78% are in the private sector. Here get you a short list, I hope its help you to find your desire.

Address: Plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Emergency: +880 1914 001234

Number of 115 beds in a single facility in the United Hospital, Dhaka
General ICU: 16 Beds
CICU: 31 Beds
CCU: 20 Beds
CHDU: 15 Beds
GHDU: 10 Beds
NICU: 8 Beds
PICU: 6 Beds
KTICU : 3 Beds
Special Care Unit: 6 Beds

Address: New Airport Road, Kurmitola, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206.
Land Phone: 
55062349 (8am to 3pm)
0255062388 (24 hours)

Number of beds in a single facility in the Kurmitola General Hospital
10 ICU beds

Address: Plot: 81, Block: E, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
PABX (02) 8431661- 5
Hotline: 10678, 09666710678
Whatsapp: +8801713-047455

Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), Price: BDT 11,000 -18 beds
Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) – COV, Price: BDT 17,500
Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), Price: BDT 11,000 SICU  9-beds.
High Dependency Unit (HDU) Price: BDT 14,500, 12-beds.
Cardiothoracic High Dependency Unit (CTHDU), Price: BDT 8,800, 5-beds 
POST CCU, Price: BDT 6,500
PPU BMT, Price: BDT 11500
Pediatric ICU, Price: BDT 9,500
Pediatric ICU – COV, Price: BDT 13,300
Neonatal ICU (Level 3 Care), Price: BDT 10,000
Neonatal Phototherapy Unit, Price BDT 2,300
Kidney Transplant Unit (KTU), Price: BDT 11,000 2-bed 
Neuro Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Price: BDT 11,000, 12-bed 
Coronary Care Unit (CCU), Price: BDT 11,000 CCU, 11-beds.
Post CCU, Price: BDT 6,500 8-beds.
Intensive CCU (ICCU), Price: BDT 11,000, 8-beds.
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTICU) Price: BDT 11,000 7-beds.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Price: BDT 11,000,  16-beds.

Address: 18/F, Bir Uttam Qazi Nuruzzaman Sarak, West Panthapath, Dhaka 1205
Phone: 10616

ICU, located on the 4th floor,  20 beds
PICU 5 beds
NICU 17 beds


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Dr. Fariah Sharmeen - Woman Oncology Specialist

Dr. Fariah Sharmeen Specialty - Associate Consultant, Oncology Degree - MBBS, FCPS (Radiotherapy) Chamber: SQUARE Hospitals Ltd. Dhaka Address: 18/F Bir Uttam Qazi Nuruzzaman Sarak, West Panthapath, Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh Call For Appointment 10616 Call Now About: Dr. Fariah Sharmeen successfully completed her MBBS from Cumilla Medical College, and subsequently completed a one-year internship at BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka. After completing of the internship, she started her post-graduate training in Medical Oncology at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital. She started her fellowship in Radiotherapy in 2010. She completed 4 years of training at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital on External Beam Radiotherapy Planning and Brachytherapy. She achieved FCPS in Radiotherapy from the Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons (BCPS) in 2015. She has obtained several hands-on pieces of training on Head - Neck, Lung, Genitourina